In 1980 Pasolini’s Fund established the awards “Pasolini tesi di laurea”, “Premio Pasolini di poesia”; and later in 1982 ,“Premio speciale delle giurie”.
Quoting Laura Betti, 2002:
The original idea of the annual Thesis Award based on Pasolini’s work- an unpretentious idea of strong cultural commitment-represented a continuity with Pasolini’s Archive and the deepest political reasons of its birth. For a long time the award collected and estimated various researches made by European (but also Africans, Americans, Indians …) students who ,working directly on the Archive’s materials, proved the original and authentic vocation: a study centre opened to the public where visitors can receive an individual assistance.
Between 2000 and 2004, the municipality of Casarsa della Delizia took charge of the award presentation (of all master’s thesis that develop Pasolini’s subject) and its ceremony. Hereafter, the municipal administration of Casarsa and Bologna came to an agreement: the mayor Claudio Colussi together with the mayor Sergio Cofferati decided that on one hand, the Thesis Award would be organized by the Pier Paolo Pasolini Fund of Bologna and on the other hand, Casarsa will take part to Pasolini’s Fund Assembly of Bologna and elect a representative member among the jury. After Laura Betti’s death, the Study Centre Pier Paolo Pasolini Fund of Bologna, to whom Laura Betti gave a precious contribution collected in the Library of the Cineteca of Bologna, carried out the presentation of the awards for the winners after 2005.In 2005, for the first time, the award ceremony set in Bologna and the awards were divided into: “premio Tesi di Laurea” “premio Speciale” and “Pasolini di poesia- Premio di Azione poetica”. These were promoted by Pier Paolo Pasolini Fund with the support of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and activities, Directorate in charge of sport and shows – General Directorate in charge of cinematography in collaboration with Cineteca of the Municipality of Bologna, Municipality of Bologna-Cultural Activities and University, Alma Mater Studiorum University ofBologna-Unibocultura.Since that moment, the Study Centre of Casarsa participates to the organization of the Award and every 2 years hosts in Casarsa the ceremony of presentation.For the 25th edition in 2009, the jury that examinated the 22 works was made up of: Massimo Fusillo, Giacomo Manzoli, Giovanni Spagnoletti, and Francesca Cadel.The Award went to the young Neapolitan student Barbara Castaldo for her Ph.D thesis “Imputato Pasolini: una rilettura dei processi tra diritto e letteratura “ achieved in 2008 at the New York University and Alessio Passeri received a special mention for his work “L’eresia Cristiana di Pier Paolo Pasolini” presented at the University of Urbino.
Assotiation “Fondo Pier Paolo Pasolini”
c/o Cineteca del Comune di Bologna
Riva di Reno Street, 72-40122 Bologna
Tel: (+39) 0512195302 Fax: (+39) 0512194847